KELPGROW Set is the new revolution in the world of nutrients and natural stimulants.


Active ingredient Concentration
B 2.5%
Mg 5.9%
Mo 0.025%
S 4.6%

KELPGROW Set characteristic:

  • KELPGROW Set is a unique formulation of Macrocystis Integrifolia plus the balanced combination of Boron, Molybdenum and Magnesium.
  • Helps to increase the homogeneity of flowering and set.
  • Increases seed germination and vitality.
  • Helps push the plant to naturally form hormones to maintain the natural hormonal balance.


Crop Application Date Dosage
Vegetables In the open field with the beginning of flowering from 3 to 4 treatments and the treatment is repeated every 7-10 days 750 cm3/fed

Or 1.5-2 cm3/L

In the greenhouse, with the beginning of flowering, from 2 to 3 treatments, and the treatment is repeated every 7-10 days 750 cm3/fed

Or 2-3 cm3/L

Citrus At 20% flowering from 1 to 2 treatments 10 days apart 650 cm3/fed
Grapes From 1 to 2 treatments 7 days apart  750 cm3/fed