

pH Corrector Spray Solution is suitable for use with all systemic and contact insecticides as well as fungicides, herbicides and Nutrients.

  • content:
Active ingredient Concentration
N 4%
P 29%
  • Naturacid characteristic:
  • Naturacid is a water-soluble liquid product that contains phosphorous and nitrogen in a form that helps to regulate, adjust and stabilize the pH of the spray solution, which increases the efficiency of using the active substances of pesticides and nutrients.
  • Naturacid prevents the formation of foam and thus reduces the waste of the active substance.
  • It acts as a nutrient, as it contains nitrogen and a high percentage of phosphorous, which prematurely ripens and reduces the harmful effect of increasing the nitrogen dose.
  • Naturacid contains a colorimetric standard to identify the pH of the spray solution without the need for laboratory or field tests.

  • Dosage:

– It is necessary to know the database of the active substances, the appropriate medium for them, and the optimum pH to ensure that the active substance remains for the longest possible period without hydrolysis.

Active ingredient Appropriate pH
Fosetyl-Al pH 4.2 gives the highest efficiency
Captan pH 4 = 32 hours

pH 7 = 8 hours

pH 9 = 2 minutes