

A liquid fertilizer that contains a high iron integrated nutritional formula complex on glycolic acids.

  • content:
Active ingredient Concentration
Fe 6%
Mn 3.50%
Zn 1%
B 0.55%
Mo 0.15%
Cu 0.35%
Gluconic acid 24.5%

  • Naturmix-L characteristic:

Iron has an important role in metabolic processes, especially the formation of nucleic acids (DNA) and photosynthesis, where iron is an essential component for the formation of enzymes responsible for the representation of the chlorophyll molecule.

Iron plays an important role in activating many enzymes, especially enzymes necessary for the respiratory process such as peroxidase, catalase and cytochrome.

The presence of micro-elements that raise the plant’s immune system and the formation of protein in a form loaded with Gluconic acid up to around 25%, which facilitates its entry into the plant and the speed of its entry into the vital interaction.

The elements concentration in the product were adjusted to be the same as the elements concentration inside the plant to facilitate the reactions without causing any stress to the plant.

  • Dosage:
Crop Dosage
Vegetables and Fruits 100 -150 cm3/100L repeat 3 times every week
Strawberry 150 -200 cm3/100L 10 days after planting and repeat weekly