Trilent 50% WG

Trilent 50% WG

A wide range fungicide in the form of water-dispersible granules that works very efficiently, both preventively and curatively.


Active ingredient Concentration
Trifloxystrobin 50%

Trilent 50% WG characteristic:

Trilent is a strobilurin fungicide with a unique effect, the mesostemic power, which combines the properties of systemic and contact Pesticides and has the following characteristics:

  • Super effective on the surface of the leaves.
  • Redistribution of the active ingredient inside the leaves by gas and water pressure.
  • Stability, non-washing and long duration of effect.
  • Penetrating the plant tissues and moving between the two skins of the leaf to reach the fungal growths and kill them.
  • Trilent is a wide range fungicide that works with great efficiency, preventively and curatively, to eliminate powdery mildew, Early blight and black mold in grapes and Apple Scab. It also has an additional effect on downy mildew and fruit rot.
  • The pesticide is strongly absorbed through the waxy layer on the surfaces of the plant and gives the plant excellent protective protection and ensures an increase in the yield in quantity and quality.


Crop pest Usage rate PHI
Cucurbits Powdery mildew – Gummy stem blight 10-15 gm/100L 3
Downy mildew 28 gm/100L
Apple Apple scab – Downy mildew 14-18 gm/100L 14
Tomato – eggplant – pepper Powdery mildew 10-15 gm/100L 3
Early blight 14-22 gm/100L
Gray leaf spot – Late blight 28 gm/100L
Anthracnose – Downy mildew 12-30 gm/100L
Strawberries Powdery mildew- gray mold – Anthracnose 14-25 gm/100L 3
Grapes Powdery mildew 10-15 gm/100L 14
Gray mold – Leaf spot 14-22 gm/100L
Downy mildew 28 gm/100L