Product Experiments Download Product Experiments Click on button to download the experiment Using KELPGROW SET and NATURFOS on strawberry. Using PLENIFLOR, GREENER and RAIZA-Zn on strawberry. Applying NATURMIX - L, CYTOPLANT-Fe and NATUR-Zn on superior grapes and follow its effect on color and vitality. Applying KELPGROW SET and following up its effect to increase fruit set on apricot. Applying of RETENOL-Zn and NATUR ACID with herbicide (Betanal MaxxPro) on beet. Applying CYTOPLANT-Fe and following up its effect on increasing color, vitality lateral branching of cucumber. Applying NATURMIX - L and NATUR-Zn on superior grapes and follow its effect on color and vitality. Applying some products on summer citrus to stabilize crop and preserve it from falling due to the difference in temperature.